Hi there!
My name is Ben, and I'm grateful that you're reading about my project.
I recognise that as much as I am trying to sell the project as something worth funding, I'm also selling myself as someone who will be a good steward of your investment.
And so without further ado, if I were painting myself in my best light, this is how I would do it.
The important bits
I don't know anyone who can peel an orange as well as I can
I am currently designing a card game where players pretend to be aliens trying to comprehend humanity
I love holding my breath (not for very long) and swimming after fish in the sea
The relevant bits
Moria & Vial Camps | 2020 & 2021 | Greece
After leaving the army at the end of 2019, I spent 9 months across 2020 and 2021 with the Dutch NGO, Movement on the Ground. The organisation operated on the philosophy of engaging camp residents to work towards building a more dignified camp environment.
Some of my main takeaways from the time included:
Idleness and the struggle to find meaning is a big challenge in contexts where one's activities are limited by the laws
Being stuck in 'survival mode' causes people to act selfishly, but originates from feelings of intense vulnerability and stress
Hygiene, a sense of security, and the ability to relax are hard to come by in over-crowded environments
VitaeGUM | 2021-2022 | UK & Greece
For a year between 2021 and 2022, while I was in university, I worked with a health start-up called VitaeGUM (now, The A-Day).
VitaeGUM produced chewing gum that was both teeth-cleaning and infused with vitamins. We were targeting bringing this product to humanitarian settings with limited access to potable water, as well as to homeless drug addicts, who have high rates of dental issues.
I was responsible for determining our strategy for reaching refugee populations, and to do this I conducted fieldwork across 3 camps. Through interviews with stakeholders and camp residents I developed a roadmap for distribution to the camps.
My biggest finding was how bad nutrition was in the places I was visiting. This led me to believe that our product wasn't addressing the right issue: the poor diet that was causing knock-on health problems.
Refugee Skilling Gaps | 2022 | Kenya & Uganda
For 3 months in 2022, I interned with the Global Development Incubator to research on the employment prospects of refugees, with a focus on East Africa. I lived primarily in Nairobi, but also visited organisations working out of Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement, Uganda.
I was struck by the lack of data informing many of the skilling programs that I came across. This led to large oversupplies of similar skillsets and ultimately many unemployed or underemployed individuals. I designed and proposed an apprenticeship program for East African refugees to create pathways to jobs, but this was not picked up.
I came away from these 3 months disheartened by the scale of need and the lack of corresponding absorption capacity that receiving countries had for displaced individuals. If there weren't enough jobs for locals, what chance did refugees have?
Planned Relocation | 2024 | Southwestern China
In 2024, I wrote my master's thesis on China's Poverty Alleviation Resettlement (PAR) programs. The PAR is the Chinese government's means of relocating individuals from remote locations to more urban areas, where they are better able to provide them with access to basic necessities. This program has played a large part in China's poverty alleviation goals.
I was interested in this topic because I thought China could serve as a good case-study for planned relocation projects that will become necessary as climate migration picks up in the coming years. Most people I spoke to were very positive about the relocations, though I also came away with the impression that older people struggled to adapt to the new environments.
Through this thesis, I learnt ethnographic skills and was able to do research in Chinese. However, I was also often in trouble with the local police while I backpacked across Sichuan, Chongqing, and Yunnan provinces.
From the Roots Up
From the Roots Up (FTRU) is a student think tank that I started in university. Its goal is to help grassroots organisations address knowledge gaps that they lack the capacity to research on. Since starting in 2021, FTRU has worked with 5 refugee-supporting NGOs, and continues to operate today.
'Ben on Displacement'
I started a Notion page documenting some of the takeaways, learnings, and research of my own that were relevant to the field of forced displacement. The hope is that eventually it will be sufficiently populated with reflections and articles to be a useful resource to other people working in this space.
People's Courage International
I am a Strategy Associate at People's Courage International, a non-profit working at the nexus of social protection, migration, and climate change. I am currently designing pilot programs that we plan to run to support climate-vulnerable individuals across South and Southeast Asia.
That's all from me! Thank you for taking the time to learn about my project, if you'd like to get in touch do feel free to reach me at: ben@fromseedtoshelter.com
Or, arrange a chat with me at: